Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Formative Assessment (rough rough) Ideas

Topic: Tress (forests) or Oceans
This is a very rough draft/idea of formative assessment ideas.

  • 3-2-1
    • Students will write three facts, ideas or concepts that they may know about the topic.
    • Students will write two examples that support the topic
    • Students will ask one question that they want to know about the topic.
  • Odd One Out
    • This idea puts multiple groups of words together. The students have to pick one that doesn't fit in the group and be able to describe why it doesn't fit with the rest. I will be able to use words that are connected with the topic that I will be teaching to know if the students know the relationship between the words. 
  • Commit and Toss
    • This strategy is student based and is a quick way to see what the students think and know about the topic or question posed. The students are given a question or are to define something. They write it on a piece of paper then crumble it up. On teacher signal they will  throw it to the floor in a designated area. Then students are to grab the paper and have to share the idea that was written on the paper they picked up. 
  • Paint the Picture
    • This strategy is done by the students to be able to show understanding without the use of words or labeling. A question would be posed and the students would have to answer the question and be able to depict it without words or labels. They are encouraged to draw what is in their head. 

These are just some ideas that I found when I was looking around tonight. Nothing is final yet, just starting to think what would work best with my class and being able to get the best results. 
Stay tuned. :)

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